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To improve the definition of your muscles, regular visits to the gym will need to become a part of life. For muscles to be visible, they have to be toned while you simultaneously reduce your body fat percentage. The route to muscle definition is, therefore, a weight-training program that is geared toward building muscles along with regular bouts of cardio exercises for calorie-burning. Doing both while following a nutritional plan that is healthy is essential to properly fuel the process of building and defining muscles.


Scheduling Changes

Begin by adjusting your schedule for phase one. Do this by scheduling a trio of weight-training workouts across the week, placing them on non-consecutive days. The muscles should actually have 48 hours of rest between each session of training with weights.


Targeting Muscle Groups

Work from beginning to end through a workout that targets each of the major muscle groups in turn. This includes the back, chest, shoulders, legs, core, biceps, and triceps. Choose an exercise or two per muscle group. For the chest, do bench presses, pushups, and dumbbell chest presses. For the back, do lat pulldowns, kneeling rows, and seated rows. For the core, incorporate a selection of bridges, crunches, and planks. Biceps receive a workout from curls with dumbbells and barbells, while triceps are targeted with dips and triceps extensions both lying and overhead. Shoulders work well with upright rows, shoulder presses, and front raises. For the legs, do squats, deadlifts, leg presses, and lunges.


Compound & Isolation

Finish compound exercises before continuing on to performing isolation exercises. Compound exercises are those that require movement from multiple joints. Bench presses are one such example; they involve the elbows and shoulders.


Sets & Repetitions

When performing an exercise, complete a minimum of three sets where each set is made up of six to 12 repetitions. Do this for each exercise in order to build muscle. Be sure to rest between sets, giving the muscles about three minutes between sets so as not to overwork them.


Proper Weights

Remember to use weights that are appropriate for each type of exercise. Completing each set of an exercise should be challenging for the muscle tissue to grow overloaded. Use a weight that permits at least six repetitions.